It is confirmed! Tomorrow, I am going to take a flight to China in the early morning!
Hehe, just blogging here to make those who want to go overseas, but cannot make it due to certain circumstances, jealous! [eg. forgot to update passport and etc...] Hehe!
Woo, it will be a 10 days trip over there, and will be back to Singapore by 11 Dec. [thanks to wei cheng for the minor error I did. =D]
Will update more after the trip, till then, see ya everyone! =D
thats all folks.
24 nov
Today, xian feng came to my house upon my request to help me install the ATI X1050 series graphic card. THanks man! the price hope can be cheaper... haha
After he completed the installation for the graphic card, he stayed on and played Bleach blade battle on my sister's PS2, and also showed me how good the graphic card had differences on my computer, by testing on games like condition zero and warcraft.
The funny part starts here, when he saw there was a gunbound icon on my desktop, he asked me, if I had play for a long time, and I reply no and said I installed that to play with my cousin. Right after our conversation, he clicked on the icon and the game ran. After that, he showed off to me that he was a PRO in gunbound and had achieved Battle axe, and sure enough, he went to a room and joined a game, trying to show to me how PRO he was. When the game started, he was the first to shoot, and he missed the enemy, it is ok, but then, he [forgot right or left] click on his character and the status for his average hits per shot was 1339damage, and he click on the other players and their avg hit were only like 300+. I was Shocked to see xian feng avg hit per shot was so high, yet he missed the target[ enemy]. I ponder a while before asking him why he become so lousy, and his reply was "Last time I use hack mah, that's why my avg hit per shot was 1300+", he added on with some giggle.
After that, when his turn arrived, he FINALLY hits someone, BUT THE SOMEONE WAS NOT A ENEMY, IT WAS HIS ALLY! then , I thought to myself, 'nvm lar, people sometimes makes mistakes' therefore , I just laughed a little and continued watching him play. Again, it was his turn, he Aims, Cursed the enemy and HE SHOOTS! And this time, I cannot hold back my laugher, I laughed damn loud and guess what he did to make me laugh so loud, HE ONCE AGAIN, SHOOTS AT THE SAME EXACT ALLY AND THIS TIME, HE KILLED HIS OWN TEAMMATE! HAHAHAHA!
After that, for sure, without thinking, he made the team lost... lol...
Soon after the game, he played maplestory for awhile and we went crazy by defaming everyone we saw, that we are not happy with. Later, we had dinner at my house and he left.
thats all folks.
Few days back, SarahHOON contacted me if we [Xian Feng, Wei cheng and his brother, Jun an and edwin] were interested in going for Zouk out@NP from 7pm - 11pm.
Therefore, after much consideration, we decided to go for the party.
During the journey to NP, we had lots of fun talking crap. haha.
You can see more from Wei cheng blog. During the party, an error appeared on the wide big screen that was suppose to display the performance, and the error was a service error from norton. when everyone saw that, we all were like jeering at it. so nice!
After that, we stood there and feel not much fun, as we felt left out, since the zouk out@ NP was supposed to be a celebration for the red campers there. Therefore, we decided to leave the place.
While leaving, the sticker which we had earlier on for us to enter the party, we all peel it off and paste it at xian feng shirt. This is how he looked like after we pasted the sticker on him.on his backside...
This is his own doing... he feels that, that can be called the SIX PACK...
After I helped him to adjust the stickers... the real six pack emerged!
After that, we headed to bukit timah don't know what eating centre to have our dinner.
Right after our dinner, we went to I.R.C to play counter strike and sure enough, xian feng owned most of us, except for wei cheng and maybe wei yao. Oh ya, xian feng also treated us chocolates he bought from his working place which is expensive. thanks xian feng!
After that, we took the bus we had, back home.
thats all folks.
18 nov
Yipeee!!! Prom Night was a Success!
Everyone seems to have LOTS of fun, and I had enjoyed myself too!
The food there was great, the atmosphere was right and the best was, the people who had went for Prom Night were excellent!
I can still recall that Alvin was the first person to be called on stage because he had said something wrong and the emcee heard it. The Prom King was also the most expected from us [alvin, xian feng, kevin, edwin, tim, hui koon, jun an, jia hao and me], as the cards we were supposed to vote for the female candidates for Prom Queen, had unknowing, all been thrown to the box to vote for wei cheng. -.-" Anyway, congratulations to Wei cheng for being the Prom King.
Priscillia was also been selected as the Prom Queen, and congratulations to her too!
The Lucky Draw Biggest Winner goes to Ashilah, who had won a PSP slim modified with a 4GB memory stick. [I am jealous...] I had also taken lots of photos with many gorgeous looking girls and smart looking guys, but unfortunately, most of the photos are not with me, since most of the photos are taken by their camera.
Will upload the photos asap after they send me the photos. =D
After Prom Night, Jia hao and I went to alvin's house to stay overnight and jun an joined us later that mid night and we started playing mahjong till 6.30am.
Xing Wei and me.[blurred]Wee Hao and me.
Pei Zhen and me.
Pei Qi and me.Sarah and me.
Yi Jie and me.
Ashilah [ PSP slim winner] and me.
Left to right : me, 'sleepy' Edwin, Jesper
Wei Cheng [ Prom King] and me.
Priscillia [Prom Queen] and me. Blur...
Cheryl and me.
From top: Alvin, next row: Hazwan, Xian feng, next row: Me, Fazrul, Syafiq, Razis
there are more photos, will update when the photos are received.
Thats all folk.
Nov 14, Xian feng and I went to Singapore polytechnic for a tour at their Digital media centre.
The surrounding looks confusing, as xf and I were supposed to go to a building called the school of business, as directed by the lecturer that gave xf the map to the building, but in the end, we spent much of our time walking around the building while the place we wanted to go, is just right in front of our eyes.
After that, when we entered the digital media centre, there were already a bunch of people [ all girls]inside the room. we soon found ourselves a seat and sat down. This is the picture of the classroom.
Soon after we sat down, the person sort of in charge, call us to enter the studio, as they were having some shootings and asked us to join them, so we[ the bunch of girls with xf and me, and xf was damn excited, not for the shootings of course, it is the girls] followed the person to the studio.
Of course, I managed to take a picture of the whole entire studio.
Soon after the shooting ended, some girls went back leaving only xf, me and 2 girls from choa chu kang secondary, which consists of one malay and one ang mo, both quite chio.[ xf said he loves the ang mo. haha!]
Previously, the lecturer says that only a few can have the chance to try be the director, but since there were only 4 of us, we managed to try the director position.
It was fun! Here the picture inside the director room.
So complicated!
We also tried being the cameraman, it was even more fun, since we can adjust the camera to take the pictures...
This is one of the student studying there that helped us to cope with the floorman post. [floorman post : helps to change the picture that will be filmed]
Xf and I managed to take a snap shot with him.
Me and the student. [wanted to laugh but I hold back... not a good photo]Xf and the student. [wah... xf post lei.. can be model le]
There are some of the photos we took during the tour...Before we left the building, something caught my attention! look at the photo! What a creative creation!
thats all folks.
I bet everyone should be enjoying their well deserved holidays now.
okay, now for the boring part about myself after the exams. Straight after my Geography last paper [ 7 Nov], I went back home and played warcraft with Jia hao, and right after that, we went to Yee Tee to play soccer with jesper and gang.[time:3.30pm to 6pm] After our insane soccer training, we all went back home, but for me and Jia Hao, it was a different thing, we went back home, bathe, rest, recharged and went to Alvin's house to play Mahjong.
There were the four of us there namely, Alvin, Jia hao, Edwin and me. That was just the beginning, and we played for like only a few round and we waited for Xian feng to come to Alvin's house.
Not long after, we headed back for more mahjong games and soon, Xian feng went back and left the four of us their. Since our motive of going to alvin house was to play mahjong, we played till 3am, before we went to sleep.
When we went back home, we started to play maplestory and later, Edwin,Xian feng and I played Warcraft games, like dota...
Haha, this is how I spent my holidays, even though it sounds abit boring. haha =D
Btw, belated Happy deepavali to everyone, especially Wei cheng... [hehe!]
thats all folks.
Tml is the FINAL paper, which is geography mcq!
Time has passed real fast, as unknowing, all except my geo paper had finished and the moment for my desire holiday planning can finally put to use after all my paper had finished! Also, the books and worksheets in my room, [ haha ] will be thrown away soon! Haha! So excited!!!
Since tomorrow is my last paper, I shall put in my effort to study it and not waste time here.
Will update more after the papers.
Thats all folks.
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